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When should I book a physio appointment?
If you are experiencing regular discomfort, aching or strong pain, you should definitely see a physio! A physio can identify specific structures contributing to your pain and dysfunction and help prevent it from recurring. Even if you are not injured, you may benefit from visiting a physio. They are movement experts that can help you prevent future injury.


What should I wear to my appointment?
You can arrive in whatever's comfortable but keep in mind you will need to expose the area that needs treatment. If your hands or feet are being treated you won't be expected to undress. It's best to bring along a strappy top ( for neck and arm treatments or shorts (or knee and ankle treatments). 


Will my medical aid cover physiotherapy?
Most medical aids have physiotherapy rates specific to their fund. When we claim from your medical aid we will charge these rates so there won't be a co-payment. Some medical aids cover physio from a savings account, some from another specific benefit. It's best to check with your funder before your appointment to see what their specific requirements are.


Do I need a referral to see a physio?
Physiotherapists are firstline practitioners: this means they can assess, diagnose and treat without a referral. While you can be seen without a referral your medical aid might require that you see a doctor beforehand as a requirement for reimbursing you so please check with them before coming to your appointment.


Does physio hurt?
Treatment should not hurt excessively. While some assessment and treatment techniques require some stronger forces, a patient should never be in intense pain. If you are in discomfort be sure to tell your physio.


Does physio really work?
Physiotherapy as a profession has a commitment to following Evidence Based Practice. This means that ongoing research rigorously tests the effect of common techniques (manual therapy, exercise, education) against sham or other techniques. In this way we ensure we continue to improve the effectiveness of our approach, and ensure high-value, effective care


How many times will I need to see my physio?
This depends on the complexity of your condition. With most simple conditions 2-3 sessions will be enough. If your pain is chronic or your condition permanent or recurring we encourage patients to check in once every month or two depending on what they need.


Can I have physio at home?
Yes! For those who are unable to leave home, travel or walk longer distances physiotherapy can be done at home. A home visit/travel fee is charged which is dependent on how far the physio has to travel. Tell your physio ahead of time what you need so they can prepare and know what to bring along.

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