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  • Writer's pictureKeshia Petersen

Calf Strain - The Low down

Updated: Jul 19, 2018

Have you ever experience a pain in the calf whilst running or playing sport and you were unable to continue playing?

A calf strain is often pain experienced in the lower leg area and can often feel like a stabbing, sharp pain with explosive/quick exercises.

It occurs commonly over two joint muscles such as the quadriceps & hamstrings.

The symptoms most patients complain of that the area is tender to touch and unable to fully weight bear.



As professionals we are able to Grade the strain to give our patients a time line for to how long their healing is expected to take.

A Grade 1 Strain is a minor pull of the muscle, you should experience bruising, tightness felt in the calf as well as pain with walking. Healing of a Grade1 strain can take up to 4 weeks.

A Grade 2 strain is where 10 – 15% of the muscle fibres are torn. You will experience pain with walking, bruising around the area where the tear occurred with associated swelling. Healing of a Grade 2 strain can take between 6- 8 weeks.

A Grade 3 strain is a complete tear of the muscle. You will not be able to walk, you will have weakness with ankle movement. You will experience a large amount of bruising and swelling. Healing can take up to 3-4 months as the muscle needs to reattach.



The role of the physiotherapist is to guide you safely through your muscle tear. The initial management should consist of icing and compression to control the bleeding. As the muscle fibres heal we introduce stretching and we can begin gentle strengthening. Once movements are pain free we reintegrate your sporting activities.

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