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  • Writer's pictureKeshia Petersen


Updated: Jul 19, 2018

Ever had heel pain that suddenly started? Pain that you cannot link to an injury?

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia. It presents as heel pain often in loading positions.

The plantar fascia is a thick connective tissue found underneath the foot, as shown in the picture.

Connective tissue is a type of tissue made up of collagen fibres. These fibres bundled together to create the connective tissue, which supports the under surface of your foot.

The plantar fascia forms 5 bands that connect to the 5 bones of the feet.



It affects 10% of the population and 90% is usually treated with conservative management.

It tends to affect females more than males.



Factors that contribute to plantar fasciitis are loss of ankle movement due to tightness in the plantar fascia.

High arch as it outs increase tension on the plantar fascia. Low arch tends to stretch out the plantar fascia.

Excessive forefoot movement pulls on the attachment.

Incorrect shoe fit can make you load your foot unevenly.

With increased weight you put extra tension on your plantar fascia making it work harder. When you are standing for long periods your plantar fascia has to work harder to stabilize your foot.



Tender pain around the heel where the plantar fascia originates from is a common symptom.

Heel pain often occurs in the morning & following periods of rest, associated with a tight Achilles tendon.

Pain in the heel will cause limp or toe walking due to you not wanting to walk with a heel toe gait.

A sudden increase in activity increases the demand on your plantar fascia causing inflammation.



Massage to release your plantar fascia

Stretches to regain its length

Strengthening exercises to correct biomechanics with a gradual return to full activity

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